Children’s Illustration

Working for Covenant Love Church‘s Media Department, I was most often given assignments for the Children’s Ministry, including event advertisement and VBS graphics.

The Children’s Ministry had a cast of four characters, known as the ‘Holy Spirit Power Team’, created and designed by other artists. I later took on the role of drawing the characters for new print and screen projects.

Children’s Events

Project:Event Advertisements
Software:Clip Studio Paint,
Adobe Illustrator

Custom graphics for children’s events were adapted for screen, postcards, and social media.

Exodus VBS

Project:VBS Theme Design
Software:Clip Studio Paint,
Adobe Illustrator

This was a bit of a rush job, but still a fun challenge. Suddenly, we decided to create our own theme for a VBS based on the story of the Exodus. This included the theme logo, social media advertisements, and graphics illustrating all 10 plagues.

Facing the Giants VBS

Project:VBS Theme Design
Software:Clip Studio Paint,
Adobe Illustrator

I had a little more time to put into this one. For the following year, the Children’s Ministry based their VBS on the life of David. In addition to screen and social media graphics, we created life sized prints of young David, Goliath, and other characters.

(Yes, Goliath was printed at about 14 feet tall.)
